Just a few reminders for everyone:
Remember, there is a CHANGE FOR THE JANUARY SEWING SESSION. It will be January 9th (second Monday) NOT January 2nd. This sewing session will be designated to work on Community Service quilts.
We are also planning a sewing day on January 7th (Saturday) to work on Community Service quilts as well. There were only 8 that signed up to help, so I hope that number increases. The potluck will be Saturday so if you signed up or our planning to yet, please bring a dish to pass. We then could have left-over's for the January 9th date. Remember we need ladies to tie the quilts so if you don't want to take your machine to the hall PLEASE still come to help. If you have needles that will work to tie, please bring those along. Again those dates are Saturday January 7th beginning at 9.00 A.M. and Monday January 9th beginning at noon for lunch and then to continue sewing. Any questions please contact Sue or Deanna.
We are also planning a sewing day on January 7th (Saturday) to work on Community Service quilts as well. There were only 8 that signed up to help, so I hope that number increases. The potluck will be Saturday so if you signed up or our planning to yet, please bring a dish to pass. We then could have left-over's for the January 9th date. Remember we need ladies to tie the quilts so if you don't want to take your machine to the hall PLEASE still come to help. If you have needles that will work to tie, please bring those along. Again those dates are Saturday January 7th beginning at 9.00 A.M. and Monday January 9th beginning at noon for lunch and then to continue sewing. Any questions please contact Sue or Deanna.
Also, in regards to our Winter Weather Cancelation Policy. If you are questioning whether a sewing session or meeting will be cancelled, please contact an officer as listed in the December newsletter. We will also post cancellations on the blog, so you may check here as well.
Hope to see many of you there. Getting caught up on out Community Service need is major right now. All help is appreciated. Deanna