Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Last of August Show and Tell...at Last!

Here we are already past Labor Day weekend, and looking on to the lovely fall colors that will soon be approaching!  Maybe life will slow down a bit for me too, and I can be more "regular" at posting items on the blog.

Sheila shows her Quilting Diva wallhaning.

Each month she can change the fun little quilt that the Diva "holds".  Very sweet!

The 52 block quilt (each block different!).  Sheila added a couple more borders to her top.

Terri has made a warm flannel quilt to be given as a wedding gift.

Joan, Sheil, Lynette and Rhoda show off the fun purses they made.  Barb S. had done a demo on these fast and easy purses.
Remember if you want to view any of these photos close up, just click on the picture to see more detail.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Laurie for the post of some wonderful creations.
