Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fast Pinwheels

There are a lot nice videos on You Tube. This one looked fun.

Judy S sent me some nice photos of her chicken pincushions but Blogger hasn't let me upload them. I will try later today.

How did the sewing session go yesterday? I had a sore throat and sinus stuff going on and was unable to make it so missed you guys and then missed Moonlight Quilters too. Not a good day. Hope you accomplished a lot on our mystery quilt and I'm anxious to get the third page of clues.


  1. That is a great way to make pinwheels, save a lot of time.

  2. Sewing Session went well...I always seem to get inspired when I am with the group. The mystery quilts are coming along nicely, and it is fun to see the different color choices. Laurie
